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We, in Bengal Institute of Polytechnic, are putting our best effort to educate our students by coupling basic values of education with the advanced technological input, so that their inherent skills are manifested and they become a highly competent individual with good moral values.
News & Updates

President's Message
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President's Message
The “Bengal Institute of Polytechnic” was conceptualized with a clear objective of providing technical education against under developed inhabitants of rural areas in West Bengal. Accordingly the site was located in remote village of Birbhum district where no such technical institutes were situated. As a President of the “Bakreswar Social Welfare and Development Trust”, I am entrusted and committed to our society for achieving excellence in all our activities by providing easy and accessible leadership for an efficient management system in order to give a high quality technical education in such remote area and to enhance the most modern infrastructural facilities in the institute and thereby increasing her efficiency. Within a span of 14 years we have received whole hearted response from the surrounding areas which was absolutely unexpected. The untiring effort of the faculty members and staff and enthusiasm of the brightest students have catapulted the institute with one of the best polytechnic college in the state. I am sincere to motivate and rejuvenate every department (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication and CST) of the institute to be shining as outstanding unit of skilled technical education.
Mr. Sukhen Rana

Principal's Message
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Principal's Message
It is indeed very encouraging that the Government of West Bengal has taken a very positive step to integrate skill training in every tier of education to make it employment oriented and create a self relient new generation. The great philosophers of India emphasized on the close connection between culture and education. The basic purpose of education is the total development of human personality. Everyone is endowed with certain inherent potentialities which need manifestation. We, in Bengal Institute of Polytechnic, are putting our best effort to educate our students by coupling basic values of education with the advanced technological input, so that their inherent skills are manifested and they become a highly competent individual with good moral values. I personally dream a brighter tomorrow, where our students would play a major role in removing poverty and building an ideal society.
Dr. Jyotirmay Tewary
About Us
The Campus
The institute is situated at Sagar, Bandhersole bus stop on NH-60, near Bakreswar Thermal Power Plant and between Suri and Dubrajpur. The well designed green campus spreads over 7.33 Acres of land with beautiful environment.
Building & Facilities
Class rooms, Smart class rooms, Tutorial rooms, Library, Reading room. Drawing Halls, Computer laboratories for individual departments. Separate common rooms for Boys and Girls, Workshops, Fully equipped language laboratories, Canteen, Cycle & Vehicle stand, Playground and Amphitheater, High range Wi-Fi facilities in entire campus.
Other Areas of Focus
Development of computer training, Communication and soft-skill, Industrial tour and training, Career Building programme, Interaction with parents and guardians.
“Education begins with life” –Franklin.
Success Stories
Happy Students
Years Experience
What’s Happening
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